

联网无人驾驶汽车(无人驾驶汽车), yet connected to a sophisticated guidance network) will become the norm.

You’re jolted awake from a nap as you recline in your seat—which more closely resembles a bed. 你的迷失被清晰和认知所取代. You find yourself in the familiar surroundings of an SMH 840 transport vehicle pulling up to your destination. 现在你都想起来了. You hired the vehicle a little more than an hour ago to take you for the 163-mile journey from your home to the office in the city. You sat back and relaxed as you were enveloped by your favorite tunes and scents, 你最喜欢的食物和饮料都放在你的指尖. 放松的全身按摩让你昏昏欲睡. 这辆车里没有司机. In fact, you haven’t been in a vehicle with a human operator for more than five years. 它是2048.


梦中的影像开始慢慢回到你的脑海中. 听起来很奇怪, 在你的梦中, you were driving your own car on a busy road with hundreds of other cars, 都有自己的司机. You passed an accident and you could see the emergency response vehicles and two bodies on stretchers, 裹着护桅索. 那是你醒来的时候. A shiver runs down your spine at such a graphic confrontation with death and you momentarily contemplate your own mortality.

下车, you feel the sunshine on your face and you sigh in relief that you no longer live in the dark ages when people were subjected to the daily risks associated with humans operating automobiles. 在短短两年内, 在2050年元旦午夜钟声敲响的时候, 手动操作的车辆, 在美国仅存的几个地方.S. 他们在哪里还被允许经营,最终会被淘汰吗. It will no longer be legal for humans to drive a vehicle on the road or in the air except in closed areas dedicated to the nostalgia and the entertainment associated with actually driving an automobile.

令人惊讶的是,仅仅几十年前, cars were almost exclusively human operated—and all of them were driven on asphalt and concrete roadways. That was before the advent and proliferation of Connected-Driverless Vehicles (CDVs). In most major cities fully 40% of vehicular transport is now in the air, 人类驾驶的车辆在几年前就被淘汰了. 到2039年,私人汽车拥有量降至5%以下. 现在, nearly all vehicles are manufactured and operated by three companies: SMH (Shanghai/Mumbai/Hyundai—a result of the merger of Shanghai Motors, 塔塔, 和现代), 通用汽车, 包括特斯拉子公司, 大众汽车, 马自达, 沃尔沃, 和奔驰), 世界汽车公司(Toyota), 福特, 克莱斯勒, 宝马, 标致, 日产, 以及大多数剩下的传统汽车制造商). Hydrogen fuel cells have nearly eliminated fossil fuel- and electric-powered vehicles.

Your dream about the accident—correction, nightmare—thankfully, was just that, a dream. 你会遇到事故的可能性, 尤其是导致死亡的, 非常遥远. In the past, the number of people killed annually in traffic fatalities in the U.S. 是史诗般的. 到了2046年,这个数字降到了1以下,这是有记录以来的第一次, 预计到2050年将降至400以下. You smile to yourself, comforted by the assurance that an even safer future for transport lies ahead.


突然,你醒了. 你被弄糊涂了——那只是一个梦中的梦吗? 你看了看手机,发现现在还是2018年. You are surprised and even a little delighted by your encounter with your vision of the future. 你反思你刚刚经历的事情. You think about the possibility of how much of what was 在你的梦中 about 2048 could actually happen. You wonder, how likely is it that it will it happen the way you experienced it? 谁都说不准,真的. What’s highly likely is that t在这里 will be a consolidation of automobile manufacturers over the coming decades, and that personal vehicle ownership will dramatically decline as driverless car services become the norm. Widespread adoption of flying or hover vehicles and of fuel cell technologies is more speculative and will rely on significant technological advancements that presently are in their infancy.

你很有信心, 然而, 无论这些趋势走向何方, 联网无人驾驶汽车(无人驾驶汽车), yet connected to a sophisticated guidance network) will become the norm. They will be possible based on the development and deployment of robust, reliable communications and transport technologies between vehicles and transportation systems. 这就是我们, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业, 进来, because we are playing our part by providing advanced 它的 solutions for the transportation industry, 为未来的道路和车辆铺平道路.

We are also contributing to another very important and positive outcome: a dramatic increase in safety.  Today, t在这里 are more than 35,000 traffic fatalities annually in the U.S.,估计超过1个.全球25米. With the adoption of CDVs, these numbers will be dramatically reduced in the coming decades. The goal, of course, is to eliminate vehicle related fatalities altogether. 啤酒, in conjunction with many other companies offering complimentary technologies for the advancement of 它的, 致力于这个目标. 我们的努力在活动和决心方面都在增加. 我们相信任何与交通相关的死亡都是不可避免的. 我们的梦想不仅仅是一个梦.

When it comes to eliminating traffic fatalities through the implementation of advanced 它的 technologies, 啤酒 is driven by a course of action that is embodied in a simple life-preserving proposition: We are…加速到零.

我们邀请您加入我们的旅程! 欲了解更多信息,请访问: http://cmu.spreadcrushers.com/en/industries/transportation/its




Kevin首先是一名商业技术顾问. He is currently the Southwestern United States account director with 啤酒, bringing almost three decades of experience and successful results in business technology. Kevin is guided by a philosophy that “life is a journey of moment-by-moment growth or atrophy,,而他的个人旅程指引是成长的决定性选择.

Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference and the difference that I am committed to making is a positive one of progress and fulfillment for everyone.





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